According to dialect:- Tibetan:- There are two terms in Nepal. T
hey are "Ne" meaning of house and "Pal" meaning of wool in Tibetan language. Thus, the etymological meaning of "Ne" and "Pal" is house of wool. Ancient Nepal was renowed as woollen producer, which woollen products were exported to different Indian continental nations.

Lepcha:- "Ne" means sacred and "Pal" means cave or nation that refer to mean that sacred cave or sacred nation in Lepcha language. Nepal has more caves and believes in Hindu religious text as sacred place of Hindus.

Newar:- There was a practice of calling Nepal as term "Nepa": which term came from word "Ne" means mid/middle and "Pa" means country situated in Himalayan. Etymological meaning of these mixture term Nepalis Mid Himalayn country.
According to caste:-
Newar:- The term "Newa:" converted into Newarwa later pace of time b
ecome the term Nepal. Similarly, Shree Kamal Prakas Malla believe that term Nepal was developed from the one type of castle group from Anarya Abhir. Like this our religious text referred that the religious saint named "Ne" served and protected the country and then country's name become the Nepal which Ne term is not mention in any historical accounts of Nepal. Some Vansawali believe that there was the term "neap" from the one type Gana Jati who emigrated to Nepal and added the term "Aal" became Nepal.

Nepali society is a unique society consisting of mixture of multiethnic cultures
from very beginning days. Limited documents of Nepali History are unable to define about the exact history of Nepali society and culture. Finding through the excavations like some tools, writings in stones and metals, the monuments, chronicle scripture, coins and present situated temples and shrines etc have great a role to define about the history of Nepal but it is not sufficient matters to prove about the history of Nepal but it is not sufficient matters to prove about the origin of Nepali society and culture. The practices of writing the history in Nepal was int
roduced after encouraging from the late king Mahendra during the regime and some historian started to write the History of Nepal. Previous Chapter also defined that there was no any kind of Nepalese origin scholars who defined the Nepalese society and culture in any issues but foreigners Historians from the the Britain, France and India mentioned some issues of Nepali society and culture which was very useful to understand the history of Nepal.