Hinduism does not have a single founder or prophet. There is no exact record of the origin of Hindu religion. It is belived that Hinduism originated from the knowledge and preaching of sages and ascetics for ages. It is considered to be the oldest religion of the world. Hindu religion is also called 'Sanatan Religion' or 'Vedic Religion'. The Vedas are the oldest Hindu s
criptures. The Vedas are four in number. They are: Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda and Yajur Veda. Besides, The Upanished, The Bhagwadgita, The Puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharata are other sacred books of Hindus. According to Hinduism , patience, forgiveness, self-control , not to commit theft, purity, control over senses , wisdom, knowledge, truthfulness and anger are the ten salient features of the religion.

Buddhism has become one of the major religions of the world. It was founded by Gautama Buddha. He was born in Nepal in 563 B.C. in Kapilvastu
district of Lumbini zone. His parents were King Shuddhodhana and Queen Mayadevi. As a prince, his childhood was full of comfort and luxury. One day, he left his palace in search of solution to the pain and suffering in life. He meditated under " Bodhi" tree in Gaya . Finally, Gautama Buddha got " Enlightenment" and found out Four Noble Truths that (a). there is misery, (b). there is cause of misery, (c). there is cessation of misery and (d). there is a path leading to the cessation of misery. He found a way to remove the pain and suffering from life by following the "Eight Fold Paths". They are as Follows:

2. Right determination
3. Right speech
4. Right conduct
5. Right livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right meditation and
"Tripitaka" and "Jatak Katha" are the main Buddhist scripture.
The founder of Islam is Prophet Muhammad. He was born at Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in 570 A.D. He spent his life in meditation in a cave at Mecca. Through meditation he found himself close to God. He considered himself as the messenger of God. He started to preach his teachings about God Allah.
The Important duties to Perform as a Follower of ISLAM are:
1. Read the holy book " The Quran".
2. Perform 'Namaz', pray five times a day.
3. Observe 'Roza', observe fasting during the month of Ramzan.
4. Give alms to the poor and disabled.
5. Make 'Haj' or pilgrimage to Mecca.
The teachings of Prophet Muhammad are:
1. There is only one God.
2. Do not worship idols, pray to the real God.
3. Live an honest life.
4. Give equal justice to all.
5. Treat all the people on this earth as brothers.
The Koran is the Holy book of ISLAM.
Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity. He was born in Jerusa
lem, Palestine, on 25th December. Christians celebrate t
his day as Christmas.
Jesus Christ was simple, kind and religious minded from his childhood
He was a strong devotee of God. Jesus wanted to free the people from the pain, suffering and social injustice which prevailed at that time. He called God, his father and himself th " Son of God". According to Jesus Christ, service to human kind
is service to God. The holy book of Christianiy is the "Holy Bible".
Message of Christianity to all mankind are as follows:
1. Be merciful and do not harm others.
2. Be generous to all and do not be selfish.
3. Love all as we love ourselves.
4. All the good deeds are rewarded and the evil ones will be punished.
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