Visit Nepal 2011
Official name: Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Capital: Kathmandu Area: 147,181 sq km
Population: 29,519,114 (2008 estimate)
Population growth rate: 2.10 percent (2008 estimate)
Projected population in 2050: 53,293,874 (2050 estimate)
Population density: 206 persons per sq km (2008 estimate)
Official name: Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Capital: Kathmandu Area: 147,181 sq km
Population: 29,519,114 (2008 estimate)
Population growth rate: 2.10 percent (2008 estimate)
Projected population in 2050: 53,293,874 (2050 estimate)
Population density: 206 persons per sq km (2008 estimate)
Urban/rural distribution Share urban: 16 percent (2005 estimate)
Share rural: 84 percent (2005 estimate)
Per Capita (GNP) : NRS. 18,825/$246
1. Himalayan Region : 15% (22077.15 sq km)
2. Hilly Region : 68% (100083.08 sq km)
3. Terai Region : 17% (25020.77 sq km)
2. Hilly Region : 68% (100083.08 sq km)
3. Terai Region : 17% (25020.77 sq km)
Geographic coverage : 885 km.length ( East to West)
: 193 km.width ( North to South)
Highest Point : Mt.Everest (8,848 m)Lowest Point : Kechana Kawal (60 m)
Longest River : Karnali (507 km)
Biggest Lake : Rara(Mahendra)
Longest Glacier : Khumbu Valley (32 km)
Longest Pitch Bridge : Mehuli Bridge(1130.80m)Saptari
Oldest Temple : Swayambhunath
Tallest Temple : Nyathpole Dewal
Maximum Rainfall area: Lumle(kaski)>5000 mmMinimum Rainfall area: Lho Manthang(Mustang)<25mm
Oldest Idol : Birupachha (Pasupatinath)
Electricity capacity : 83 thousands Megawatts
Irrigation capacity : 80 lakhs hector land
Largest cities
Ethnic groups: Newar, Bihari, Tibetan, Gurung, Magar, Tamang, Thakali, Bhutia, Rai, Limbu, Sherpa
Languages: Nepali (official), English, almost 20 other languages divided into numerous dialects.
Languages: Nepali (official), English, almost 20 other languages divided into numerous dialects.
Religious affiliations
Hindu 86 percent
Buddhist 8 percent
Muslim 4 percent
Other 2 percent
Health and Education
Life expectancy
Total 60.9 years (2008 estimate)
Female 60.8 years (2008 estimate)
Hindu 86 percent
Buddhist 8 percent
Muslim 4 percent
Other 2 percent
Health and Education
Life expectancy
Total 60.9 years (2008 estimate)
Female 60.8 years (2008 estimate)
Male 61.1 years (2008 estimate)
Infant mortality rate 62 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate)
Population per physician 4,778 people (2004)
Population per hospital bed 5,000 people (1999)
Infant mortality rate 62 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate)
Population per physician 4,778 people (2004)
Population per hospital bed 5,000 people (1999)
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