Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Altitude ILLness

The illness caused by high altitude is altitude illness.The general symptoms fo this illness are nausea,loss of appetite,sleep disturbance,shortness of breath,etc.The problem with altitude can affect any one,even at as low as 8000 ft (2450 m). In general,trekkers going quickly to higher altitudes are more likely to be affected.Two-thirds of the trekkers going to altitudes of 14,000-ft (4200m).or above will feel some symptoms.Those who hike up get fewer problems than those who fly up. Altitude illness can be prevented by acclimatization.The body will adjust automatically to gradual rate fo ascent by allowing sufficient rest at various intermediate altitudes.It is a totally preventable problem.The acclimatization varies greatly from individual to individual and even differs at different times in the same individual.A person who has already climbed a 8000m mountain may have difficulties at lower altitudes from ascending too rapidly. A large fluid intake to ensure good hydration is a factor that helps in acclimatization.Four liters or more a day of liquid is usually necessary.Urine volume should always exceed one liter.The urine color should be almost clear.Strong yellow color indicates that more fluid should be taken.One sign of adaption to altitude is a good natural amount of urine.If this is not found,one should be cautious. Alcoholic drinks should be avoided by dehydrated people.At high,altitude everyone should avoid it. Proper nutrition is another factor in acclimatization.Caloric intake should be maintained and the diet should be high in carbohydrates.A good appetite is a sign of acclimatization.Excessive salt intake should be avoided. Rest is also equally important for acclimatization.One should avoid carrying unnecessary load and going up too fast that makes you step due to breathlessness and pounding heart. Forced long and deep breathing reduces the mild symptoms of altitude illness.But doing so in excess may produce hyperventilation syndrome,in which shortness of breath,dizziness and numbness are present. The drug Diamox,has been recommended by some people to cope with altitude illness.The dose is 250mg.twice a day.It should be taken from two days before the trek begins and continued for three days.But this drug is not recommended because it has side effects.It may increase urine output,and some may feel numbness and tingling.The most important fact to be noticed is the false sense of security,which may lead to fatal accidents.The drug only prevents certains symptoms which will mislead,but does not prevent the serious life threatening ones. Mild symptoms of altitude illness
*Loss of appetite.
*Mild shortness of breath with exertion.
*Sleep disturbance.
*Breathing irregularity,usually during sleep.
*Dizzness or light head aces.
*Mild weakness.
* Slight swelling of hands and face.
As long as the symptoms remain mild,and are only a nuisance.ascent at a modest rate can be continued.If several of the mild symptoms are present and the trekker is feeling quite uncomfortable,ascent should be halted and the victim should be observed closely.If there is no improvement after a few hours,or after a night's rest,we should descent on foot until the symptoms are relieved. Serious Symptoms of Altitude Illness
*shortness of breath and rapid breathing even after resting-twenty five or more inhalations and exhalations per minute.
*Severe coughing.
*Coughing off pinkish or rust-colored sputum.
*Rapid heart beat even after resting-110 or more beats per minute.
*Blueness of face and lips.
*Low urine output-less than a print(500ml)daily.
*President vomiting.
*Severe headache.
*Delirum,confusion and coma.
*Loss of coordination.
If anyone in your party develops any of these symptoms,he should be descended "IMMEDIATELY"There are three rules for the treatment of altitude illness-descent,descent,descent.The victim should be kept warm and given oxygen if available.

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