Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Operational Guide Lines

Tourists are coming from different societies,cultures and religions.So,they are not familiar with our customs and traditions.In such contest they must be well informed.So,they will be helpful in protecting our man made and natural environment.Trekking agencies are required to organize a pre-departure briefing.In this meeting,the agency should inform them on the following subjects:
*Environmental guide lines:both man made and natural.
*Camp security management.
*How trekking is going to be organized.
*Trekking route and route map.
*Emergency evacuation procedure.
*Personal belongings they should carry and optional they may carry.
*They must not encourage children to beg.It might give them momentary satisfaction but the begging children also turn into professional beggars tomorrow.
*Respect the villagers and their traditions,prevailing rules and regulation.In turn,they will be given warm hospitality.
*Never buy any wildlife trophies or animal products from the local poachers.It is against the law of the land.
National parks : Flora and fauna are fully protected and must not be disturbed.Do not collect any wildlife flowers,plants,fossils,orchids,rocks,etc.unless you have the permission from the concerned office even for scientific research;
*Firewood collection is strictly prohibited.
*Campers should be self sufficient in fuel.
*Beer bottles are strictly prohibited.
*Rubbish must be buried or disposed in a refuse pit.
*Mountain bikes or motor are prohibited inside the park.
*It is a legal to climb any peaks above 6,000m without permit from Nepal Mountaineering Association.
*Avoid collecting and purchasing of wild animal parts as it is illegal.
Porters : The foreigners have mentioned that "if the porters were an Olympic endurance weight lifting event.The Nepali porters would win all the medals"IPPG(International Porter Protraction Group)advice to celebrate and admire these incredible athletes of the mountains.Watch them in action,appreciate the balance,strength and of course their good nature. The IPPG has recommended the following guidelines:
*That adequate clothing be available for protection in bad weather and at altitude.
*That trekkers provide the same standard of medical care for themselves. *The sick porter never be sent off because of illness without informing the trekking members.
*The sick porter never be sent down alone.He must be provided sufficient funds to cover the cost of his return and treatment.
Environmnets : Both the government and the private sector are working hard for increasing the volume of tourism.With the increase of visitors along the trekking trails,there is the increasing degradation of the environmental condition of the trekking trails and in the Himalayan regions.The environmental degression of the Himalayas has become one of the major areas of concern.Different organizations,such as Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation,KEEP,WWF Nepal Programe,King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation,National Parks,Trekking Agents Association Of Nepal(TAAN)are making every effort towards the preservation and protection of the environment.TAAN has been conducting Eco-trekking workshop every year with the help of different organizations.The workshop provides trainings and awareness in conservation techniques for field staff,office managers and owners of trekking agencies. The workshop highligts the following subjects:High Altitude Sickness,Campsite and Waste Management,Saving Fuel wood or Alternative Fuel,Natural and Cultural Heritage,Recycling of Revenue,First Aid,Health and Sanitation and Map Reading etc.The workshops hope to overcome the problems and take precautions.4th TAAN National Eco-trekking Workshop resolution 2000 has set up some guidelines for the trekking agencies.
*Carry enough kerosene or fuel for your cooking. Never buy fire wood from the villagers. It will encourage villagers to cut down more trees and stock them unnecessarily.
*Discourage the use of campfires.If you really need one,collect dead branches and twigs from ground. Be sure that the fire is out and the refuse is buried before leaving the campsite. Please remember that these dead branches may save a tree from the villagers.
*Shooting wildlife and fishing without license is strictly prohibited.
*Always camp at the prescribed sites.It there is no arrangements as such,then camp on open ground or on the bank of a river.Do not camp inside a bush cutting away branches of trees.
*Never pollute the clear mountain water or litter the path with cigarette butts,tin cans,toilet papers,etc.Please bury them.
*Give orientation on Eco-friendly trekking to all staff and its members.
*Leave all campsites with minimum impact.
*Use toilet tent at least 20m away from water source.
*Bring back all the non-biodegradable items at the en of the trek.
*Develop campsite and encourage the use of old campsites as far as possible. Staff:
*Brief staff on practise of proper sanitation and hygienic methods.
*Provide adequate orientation on High Altitude Sickness,mountain safety as well as HIV/AIDS to all staff.
*Customize First Aid kits on each trek.
*Provide adequate clothing,shelter,equipment and compulsory insurance coverage for staff and porters.
Advice to hill trekkersIf you go hill-walking -leave yourself plenty of time. -carry some food with you. -listen to the weather forecast before you start out . -wear suitable clothing and boots. -take a map and compass. -idelly,go in a group,never alone. -Tell somebody where you are going . -Wear bright-colored clothes.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post and Guidelines!
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    check out: http://getinnepal.com/blog/culture/adventure-nepal-a-glimpse-into-nepals-attractions/
