The torrential rivers of Nepal emerging from the glaciers of the highest
mountain in the world and flowing through the mysterious plateaus of the Himalayan region, both in Tibetand Nepal ,provide ample opportunity to enjoy rafting in Nepal. Nepal is a river runner's paradise .No other country can provide such a great choice of multi-day trips, away from roadin such magnificent
mountain surrounding with warm rivers,a semi-tropical climate,impressive geography,exotic cultures, wildlife and frienly welcoming people and no nasty biting insectsRafting provides a unique chance to see the natural beauty,flora and fauna and enjoy the beautifullandscape in the most memorable
way. Uniquegeographical structure of nepal has created themost exciting rafting rivers in nepal. Rafting in Nepal is usually a 'wilderness' experinceas most of the rivers don't have high-way alongside them; but it's soft, tamed wilderness with white sandy
beaches for camping,clean blue rivers and friendly locals. Rivers lovers have describe Nepal as "blissful ecapism",incredibly inexpansive,and beautiful country where rafters andkayers get a warm welcome". Tradtionally, we Nepalese have always revered
and at the same time are afraid of holy rivers. To ferry across a rivers in adugout is a dangerous and fearful experince-most Nepalese cannot swim. the idea of running rivers, especially the big river for fun seems quite crazy to us. The first crazy river runner arrived in Nepal in late 1960's. Two Frenchmen are said
to have descended on parts of the sun kosi in1968. Rafting and kayaking history of nepal starts from 1970. The first commercial trip was organised in 1974 for 15 foreigeners in different rivers of nepal. The trip was so sucessful that Mr.Al rod,and American
national associted with Tiger Top starts regular raft trips in Trisuli and Sunkosi under the able leader ship of Mike Yager . Mr yager infused the sprit of newely trained Nepali rafting guides and explored the rivers of Nepal for commercial purpose. He organised taining programs including a tour to the USA .In 1976, Himalayan rivers Exploration was registered with the Government of Nepal. T
his was the first commercial river rafting company in the Himalaya or in asia. By the early 1980's Nepal rafters were reconized as world class professinal and were invited to lead and support expeditions in other countries. Every year, the commercial rafting business is growing fast . Nearly 5% of the total tourist arrival are visiting Nepal for other purpose and go rafting. But now it is difficult to determine it as we do not have the provision of taking river permits.

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