Campers are the tourists who prefer outdoor activities
.They prefer to stay in open-air hotels.They move from place to place.Some of them are well equiped with camping facilities like a moving hotel.For this purpose,camping vans and buses are also popular.Others stay in the developed campsites.Such campsites are developed by private organizations or by Government or by local authority.They prefer to camp near the sea or lake.Mud,swamp,and low and humid alluvial deposits do not attract the campers.In forests,campers will prefer a location either on the edge of the forest or in a cleaning. In Nepal,camping sites are required for trekking and for multi day rafting.Trekking is moving from spot to stop and from on mountain village to another.So,trekking needs camping facilities.With the growth of trekking business and increase in the number of participants,there is always the need ofr camping sites.Camping sites ae developed along the trkking trails
and teahouses or local lodges have been developed alone the substitute the camps.Teahouses are well developed in three treikking regions; Annapurna, Langtang and Everest where we could operate Teahouse Trek. In a camping trek,which is known as a fully supported trek,each and every thing required for camping would be carried by the porters along the trekkers. Factors Affecting Locationsa.Physical Factor:While selecting a location for a camping ground,certain physical factors have to be taken into consideration.The ground must be firm,fairly level,without sharp rocks,no risky areas or objects around.Guests prefer the best view point but it may have some other negative aspects such as risk of thunderstorms.Considre the preciling climatic conditions and there should be protection from the wind.The surrounding vegetation besides being pleasing to the eye should provide adequate but not excessive shade.The
site should have water facility.b.Economic Factor:Careful study of the cost involved or will involve in camping should be made.Labour and management costs will vary from one region to another.The cost of local or regional camping fee must be calculated. The best campsites are the ones that have minimum diverse impact onthe fragile environment of the mountain.Some basic guide lines have been suggested to minimize the negative impact on environment.

*Select sensible and eco-friendly campsites as well as introduce various camping gears.
*Develop basis of waste management and distinguish and separate biodegradable and non-biodegradable litter.
*Understand the importance of sanitation and proper disposal of toilet tents.
*Familiarize with proper health and hygiene practices.Symbolic relationship between health and environment.
*Introduce hygiene kitchen.
*Proper drinking water treatment and the importance of clean and dry hands and towels.
*Leave your camping site cleaner than when you
arrived. Litter is a hazardous pollutant.Burnable itmes like paper,cardboard,should be burned on site.Biodgradable such as food waste should be buried,and non-disposable items such as plastics,aluminum foil,batteries,glass,cans should be packed and carried to a suitable waste treatment site.Villagers often collect empty containers for reuse in their homes.You may give bottles or jars to adults but do not leave them behind at campsite and do not give them to children.Raft guides should organize a sweep of the beach before departure each day.

*There should be a toilet tent in every trip.Toilet pits should be dug well away from camp.Toilets should be located at least 50 meters way from any water source.Holes for pits should be dug at least 18 inches deep.Sprinkle dirt in the hole after each use to keep the flies away and recover the pit with dirt before the group leaves the camp.A bag should be provided in the tent to collect the used toilet paper.This used paper should be collected and burned on site.
*Make sure that every trip should use an alternative fuel source for cooking such as kersene or gas.Firewood should never be bought from villages.
*Use iodine or other means of sanitation instead of bottled mineral water.
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